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Guiding People Through Divorce With Grace And Dignity For More Than 30 Years

Attorney Anthony A Piazza & Laura A Simmons

Guiding People Through Divorce With Grace And Dignity For More Than 30 Years

Infidelity can cause divorce settlements to skyrocket

On Behalf of | Oct 5, 2009 | Family Law |

posted in Divorce

on Thursday, September 29, 2011.

Cheating is against many people’s moral codes, but in Connecticut, it may be more than just an ethical affront. It can also have some very harmful consequences for the unfaithful party in divorce proceedings. Specifically, it can impact the divorce settlement because it may be an incentive for the cheated-upon spouse to fight with extra zeal for a greater settlement amount than he or she would have been happy with had the marriage been a faithful one.

High-profile and high-asset divorces seem to be affected the most by unfaithful acts. When one spouse discovers the other’s infidelity, the divorce can quickly get unpleasant. In a divorce without infidelity, the proceedings can be considered smooth at times because there is still some trust left. But with cheating often comes the feeling that the unfaithful spouse cannot be trusted, as well as the desire to lash out and take revenge against the cheater.

This can be seen in the division of property and elsewhere. Sometimes, the wronged spouse will receive more than the cheater. In extreme cases, spouses can receive portions of future income. One high-asset and high-profile divorce ended in a supposed $20 million dollar payment, a yearly $350,000 alimony payment, child support for three children and the loss of a $14-million home in Connecticut, all because the man was caught being unfaithful.

Now, all people make mistakes, of course. But spouses who have been unfaithful need to realize that there are going to be very real (and very literal) costs to their actions. Working with an experienced family law attorney is a good way to make sure that your interested are vigorously advocated for and to ensure that you are not taken to the cleaners in the settlement process.

Source: Fox Business, “The Cost of Being a Celebrity Cheater,” Jay MacDonald, Sept. 13, 2011

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