If you’re facing divorce, call 203-936-6772 at LAW OFFICES OF PIAZZA & SIMMONS, LLC to set up an initial consultation.

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Guiding People Through Divorce With Grace And Dignity For More Than 30 Years

Attorney Anthony A Piazza & Laura A Simmons

Guiding People Through Divorce With Grace And Dignity For More Than 30 Years

Divorce does not have to be a nightmare

On Behalf of | Nov 15, 2010 | Family Law |

posted in Divorce

on Tuesday, March 20, 2012.

When a married couple decides to end their marriage in Connecticut, it is often believed to be the case that the situation will not be amicable. But divorce does not have to be this way. Though money, property and children may be at risk, it is possible for a couple to settle things without tearing away at each other’s dignity. This, in the long run, can be better for the family as a whole.

One couple, destined for divorce, had spent four years separated before a divorce was brought to the table. They had discussed the situation over coffee, well after getting their finances in order. She had met someone new, and wanted to finalize her divorce to help her realize that the marriage was over and the relationship would likely never return to its former self.

When they were done discussing the divorce over breakfast, he gave her a hug. She was suddenly upset, realizing that this was the man who had left her after two decades of marriage. He had left her during the year that her father had passed away and their only son had gone away to school. Despite all of this, they were agreeing to an uncontested divorce.

Upon their initial separation, the woman had gone to an attorney, who informed her that he could take money away from her because she had more financial worth. She responded with an earlier discussion that her and her husband had, suggesting that he only wanted to see the house sold. After being compensated for his portion, he wanted nothing more.

The attorney then reminded her that her former partner could no longer be trusted and that he might attempt to do more damage, if given the chance to do so. Instead of sticking with this attorney, she paid him for his services and moved on. The couple eventually decided to work through their divorce settlement with a friend who was trained in the law, but not officially an attorney. As a mediator, the friend helped them to reach a rough agreement that they were not legally bound to, but both stuck with it.

Source: The Telegraph, “Divorce: how not turn your ex into your enemy,” Linda Kelsey, Mar. 5, 2012

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