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Guiding People Through Divorce With Grace And Dignity For More Than 30 Years

Attorney Anthony A Piazza & Laura A Simmons

Guiding People Through Divorce With Grace And Dignity For More Than 30 Years

High Asset Divorce Attorney Connecticut on Changing Support Obligations

On Behalf of | Apr 8, 2013 | Family Law |

High Asset Divorce Attorney Connecticut gavel and money

A high asset divorce attorney Connecticut residents trust can explain the process of how spousal support is determined. Once the court makes an order on the subject, it is vital that you continue making payments as ordered. Failing to do so can result in legal trouble and make you subject to being found in contempt of court. However, there may be some ways that you can go about changing the amount of support that you must pay if major changes have occurred.

Reach an Agreement

A high asset divorce attorney Connecticut residents believe in can explain that the process of modifying an existing support obligation is by reaching an agreement with the party whom you are supporting. If your company has downsized or you are now retired, your ex may realize that you do not have the same type of funds available as you did before this major change. If both parties agree, a lawyer can take the agreement to a judge who is more likely to sign off on it if the agreement is mutual.

File a Motion

If you are not able to reach a mutual agreement with your ex, a high asset divorce attorney in Connecticut may file a motion to modify the support obligation with the family court that has jurisdiction of your case. This process asks the court to give you a hearing in which you explain to the judge why you need to change the support obligation. States use specific formulas in computing the amount of spousal support that they award and only rarely deviate from this formula. During the hearing, you and your attorney will have the task of convincing the judge of the legal and factual reasons to change the existing court order regarding spousal support. The amount of support that you must pay will not automatically change; you must request it.

Legal Assistance from a High Asset Divorce Attorney Connecticut Residents Trust

If you have any questions about modifying support obligations, watch the following video for more information. Then, contact a high asset divorce attorney Connecticut from the Law Offices of Piazza, Simmons and Grant LLC by calling (203) 348-2465.