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Attorney Anthony A Piazza & Laura A Simmons

Guiding People Through Divorce With Grace And Dignity For More Than 30 Years

Why prenups are often seen as unromantic distrusting

On Behalf of | Sep 8, 2014 | Family Law |

posted in Prenuptial Agreements

on Thursday, July 12, 2012.

Many engaged and divorcing couples in Connecticut may be contemplating the same topic, despite being on very different ends of marriage: prenuptial agreements. The prenuptial agreement often serves as a protective layer for the assets that were acquired before marriage, distinguishing them from marital assets that are divided at the time of a divorce.

A prenuptial agreement can only be signed before a wedding, but it is possible to also negotiate a postnuptial agreement after vows have been exchanged. The agreements act as contracts that discern who owns what and how things may be divided in the event of a divorce. Though this is often seen as unromantic, it is something that marrying couples should consider, especially with the divorce rate hovering around 50 percent. Those who see it as unromantic often worry about trust issues.

One such woman recently discussed her fiancé’s proposition of an agreement and blamed it on his past marriage. According to her, his ex-wife only married him for his money, and he is now trying to protect himself. The woman understands this but is unsure of whether she should marry someone who cannot discern his future wife and her intentions from his past wife. She believes that there should not be an escape route or fail-safe in case the marriage does not work out and is having doubts a month before the marriage.

Experts believe that when a prenuptial agreement is brought up so close to a marriage, a soon-to-be spouse should not agree to anything before reading and understanding what it contains. Those who are concerned over the trust issues that the agreement seems to express should use the agreement as a way to protect their prized assets, as well.

Source: Chicago Tribune, “Prenup shouldn’t offend fiancee,” July 1, 2012

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