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Attorney Anthony A Piazza & Laura A Simmons

Guiding People Through Divorce With Grace And Dignity For More Than 30 Years

Man pays 30000 in child support debt after winning lottery

On Behalf of | Jan 11, 2016 | Family Law |

posted in Child Support

on Wednesday, April 10, 2013.

A recent winner of the Powerball jackpot has used his lottery winnings to repay debt that he owed to the mother of his children. The 44-year-old man had not made child support payments for a considerable amount of time and had racked up a sum totaling about $30,000. According to reports, the last time he made a payment was August 2011. Before that, it was July 2009.

Many individuals in Connecticut have found themselves in front of a judge, losing custody of their kids. The gap where they once held their children is filled with a requirement to pay child support, something that often occurs in divorce cases. As seen in the case of the lottery winner, some noncustodial parents do not pay the support. Reasons for this vary.

It is unclear why the 44-year-old lottery winner was not paying, but people who know him have said that he is a hard-working man. According to reports, he owned a business where it was normal for him to work from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. on a regular basis. He recently stopped working there, allowing his son and another person to take over the business.

The man’s child support requirement is $141 per week and is to be paid to the mother of his children. Though he has not paid in the past, he stated in court that he would be doing so in the future. This means that his reason for not paying is likely because he could not afford to do so. But his recent windfall of $152 million after taxes will likely give him the ability to continue making child support payments for a long time.

In cases where the income of a noncustodial parent suddenly changes, either parent may seek a modification through the court system. Attorneys that specialize in family law are often capable of getting support requirements to a fair level for clients.